The role of legal aid in promoting access to justice

Published On: 1st September, 2024

Authored By: Harini T

Reva University


This article elaborately on the significance, historical development, challenges, and future outlook of legal aid in India. The issue taken up for discussion herein is how this system of legal aid can be made accessible and effective for underprivileged people. The article follows the approach of looking into the evolution and problems of legal aid as well as possible ways of solving them. The article concludes by emphasizing the role that legal aid must play in effecting justice for all and proposes steps towards funding, integration of technology, and policy reforms as integral to charting a way forward.


Legal aid is the act of receiving assistance with your legal problems in case you happen to be a poor person who cannot afford an attorney. It’s quite important to ensure that everyone, regardless of their pocket size, receives the much-needed help whenever they need to appear in court or face any other form of legal issue. Legal aid assumes great importance in a country like India where a few people are extremely rich and the rest extremely poor. It gives people who otherwise might not have gotten good treatment from within the legal framework a good chance of justice.

Historical Background of Legal Aid in India

Justice was upheld in ancient India also. The concept of accessibility to justice to all was prevalent then as well. The formal system of legal aid, however, where the government helps those who cannot afford lawyers, began in India under British rule. Some of the early laws, like the Legal Practitioners Act, 1879, and the Indian Bar Councils Act of 1926, did provide the necessary push for the organizers of the legal profession to make legal assistance accessible to the public.

A better and more organized system of legal aid became necessary after the year 1947 when India gained independence. The Constitution of India adopted in 1950 had enshrined justice as one of its major goals. But the most important step came in 1976 when Article 39A was added to the Constitution. This paper mandated free legal aid by the government so that justice should not be denied to anyone just because such a person is poor or disadvantaged. This formed the base of the legal aid system that we have today.

Legal Aid in India

Over the years, there has been a visible up-gradation and improvement in the field of free legal aid in India. The first big effort on the part of the government was in the form of the Legal Aid and Advice Scheme, which was introduced in 1952. Due to a variety of reasons such as a dearth of funds and proper coordination, this scheme suffered from a number of deficiencies.

The Legal Services Authorities Act was enacted in the year 1987. This legislation provided legal aid with a more comprehensive and systemic framework. It also established the National Legal Services Authority, which is entrusted with the responsibility of see that free legal assistance is given throughout the country.

NALSA has initiated many fresh schemes to reach more and more persons in need of legal assistance. Some of them are:

  • Lok Adalats: These are special courts that assist in the speedy and amicable solution of disputes without getting into tedious processes of law.

  • Legal Aid Clinics: These are normally established in law schools where law students and lawyers provide free legal assistance to those in need.

  • Nyaya Mitra Program: The program entails the recruitment of volunteers who aid people in understanding the legal fraternity and getting the desired assistance more so when one is involved with complex issues in the courts.

Challenges Faced in the Implementation of Legal Aid

Despite the critical importance of legal aid, there exist several challenges that hinder the effective implementation of the same in India. These include:

Funding Constraints: Most legal aid offices are underfunded, translating to a shortage of adequate lawyers, paralegals, or support staff to take on cases that come their way. Such a resource shortage often causes long delays in rendering legal aid services, which frequently nets many people without help when they need it most. Also, these programs generally have a lack of proper infrastructure, such as offices and technological support, to run smoothly.

Geographical and Demographic Challenges: The vast geographical area and diverse population of the country present some serious challenges to the diffusion of legal aid services in India. For instance, there may be only very few legal professionals to render their services concerning legal aid in rural and remote areas, and appropriate infrastructure conducive to supporting such services may not be available. This will entail residents of those areas either covering long distances to secure legal aid or, in some cases, not being able to access these facilities at all. Secondly, the cosmopolitan population of India comprises many linguistic and cultural groups within itself, thereby making it further challenging to provide the service of legal aid accessible and relevant to all.

One large challenge with legal aid is simply a lack of awareness. This could be hurting the real realization of the effectiveness for legal aid programs. Quite plainly, if people do not know free legal help is available, they might miss the necessary help in dealing with their legal problems. For instance, someone is getting evicted and doesn’t know there are legal services out there that might help them fight the eviction. Unaware, they might end up losing their home when there was a chance to prevent that from happening.

This happens for a lot of reasons. Sometimes, people simply do not know their rights in the first place. Other times, they may not be aware of the existence of legal aids that can help them. Without having this in mind, they do not seek assistance, even when available. To improve this situation, therefore, the need to create awareness through community outreach, education, and availability of information regarding legal aid is very vital. This way, more of them can get to know their rights and know where to turn for help when they need it. Many people, especially from underprivileged backgrounds, are not even aware that they have the right to get legal aid or that free legal services can be sought by them. Such unconsciousness makes it impossible for the needy for legal aid to seek help, hence forcing them to represent themselves in court—usually with disastrous consequences.

Quality of Legal Aid Services:

 Another major problem with legal aid services is related to the quality of such services. Sometimes, the lawyers and other officers administering the legal aid may not be adequately trained or experienced to handle effectively the cases that come before them. This might lead to bad legal outcomes whereby the people never get the justice that they deserve because their cases were not well handled. Therefore, ensuring that legal aid providers are well-trained and well-supported will improve the effectiveness of the legal aid service.

Corruption and Bureaucratic Hurdles:

 Corruption in the judiciary and red-tapism in the broader bureaucracy are other challenges toward the effective implementation of legal aid. For example, applicants for legal aid may be asked for a bribe or have applications delayed by bureaucratic red tape. This would make it rather difficult to access legal aid with time and thus reduce its overall impact.

Case Studies on the Impact of Legal Aid in India

 By way of understanding the practical reality of legal aid, it is useful to look at specific case studies that explain how legal aid has made a difference in the lives of individuals in India:

Case Study 1:

 Legal Aid for Women’s Rights: A group of women living in a rural village in India was suffering from domestic violence but did not know how to seek help. It is through legal aid services that they got to know their rights and were advised how to file complaints against the abusers. The legal aid lawyers represented these women in court processes to get protection orders for their protection. This example shows how legal aid can give women the power and strength to fight back against violence and to seek justice for themselves.

Case Study 2:

Legal Aid to Prisoners: Another instance was when some prisoners were detained in jail for several years without a trial due to the slow and inefficient legal system. A legal aid organization took up their case tirelessly in collecting evidence, filing petitions, and representing these cases in the court. It is through this intervention that many prisoners were released and their cases gained great fame, leading to reform within the justice system. The above case well illustrates just how important legal aid can be in making sure that people are not wrongfully deprived of liberty.

Case Study 3:

Legal Aid to the Poor: This is a case of a family living below the poverty line and whose home was under threat to be taken away by a landowner of repute illegally. The family availed of legal aid services in negotiating intricate property laws and defending their rights before the courts. It was the legal aid team that provided the necessary legal representation to enable him to retain the family home. This was a way in which legal aid worked and secured justice for the poor against exploitation from the powerful and mighty.

Future of Legal Aid

The outlook on the future for legal aid rests in being able to address current challenges and determine ways to improve the system. One such area would be an increase in funding so that legal aid programs have the elements necessary to be effective. This includes investing in infrastructure and training for the legal aid providers that will better situate them to meet the needs of people in need of help.

Technology can indeed revolutionize legal aid and make it accessible in its dissemination. Digital platforms and online resources can, therefore, be expanded to reach more people, especially those in the remotest of areas. Besides, artificial intelligence and other advancements in technology can be infused into the legal processes to make support more efficient.

Another area of focus would be to raise awareness regarding legal rights and the services available in that regard. Sensitization of this nature would bring home clear messages regarding the rights of people and how to access legal aid, ensuring that those in need are informed. Outreach into the community and liaison with other organizations operating within such a community can play a significant role here.

The systemic problems like corruption and bureaucratic hurdles also need to be rectified. This can be achieved by streamlining the legal procedures and making the system more transparent. Such steps may help in improving the system of legal aid and will ensure justice to all, irrespective of their financial status.

The future of legal aid is a very important issue, for it not only means the need for continuing this very important work of rendering legal aid, but also the need for evolution and abilities to adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Legal aid is instrumental in making sure that those who cannot afford the services of a lawyer still have access to justice. With the development of society and the reshaping of technology, the way legal aid is provided should differ. Such a review takes immense coverage of issues that might change legal aid in future years, enhancing, challenging, or innovating its prospects in times to come.

Enhance the Funding towards Legal Aid

One of the greatest and most serious challenges facing the future of legal aid has to do with fund shortages. Adequate funding is the key to maintaining the existing legal aid services and expanding them. Legal aid services currently run under many programs, mostly under very thin budgets, which at times may end up limiting their scope of services. Strategies under consideration to achieve this include:

• Government Funding:

Governments are major funders for legal aid programs. More investment from government sources will, therefore, go a long way in according more people the services. This may entail increasing the budget towards legal aid or designing new ways through which such programs may be funded.

• Private Sector Contributions:

This is also possible through the private sector contributions resulting from such a partnership between the two. In form, contributions could include financial donations from law firms, companies, and other businesses, or pro bono work or any other means a legal aid organization finds feasible. Such a partnership can be able to enrich the resources targeted by legal aid organizations.

• Crowdfunding and Donations:

Use of crowdfunding platforms, and public donations could be an effective way to raise supplementary funds for legal aid. Very easily can the organizations rally community support, thereby raising awareness of the need for legal aid; through this, people and groups will easily contribute to the cause.

• Innovative Funding Models:

New funding models, for example, social impact bonds or legal aid insurance, can contribute to diversified sources of revenue. Such funding models offer the potential for more sustainable, more flexible funding solutions that adapt to changing needs and challenges.

Making Access to Services More Broadly Available Through Technology

Technology has the potential to transform how legal aid services are delivered to have more access and be more efficient. A number of technological developments can be expected to shape the future of legal aid:

• Online Platforms: Digital platforms can spread legal information and even services to those who may otherwise not have the capability to receive such services from traditional offices providing legal aid. Websites and mobile apps can provide resources, advice, and even access to legal professionals. Scaling these platforms will extend services to a greater percentage of their intended target populations, covering rural or otherwise underserved areas.

Virtual Consultations: With video-conferencing technological ability in remote consultations and representation, this therefore may open up even greater possibilities to extend geographical access to legal advice and representation for those who may find it difficult to attend appointments physically.

Artificial Intelligence: From automating routine tasks to research and analysis of legal material, it can be of use almost in all aspects of legal aid. AI-driven tools will help legal aid organizations smoothen their operations, enhance efficiency, and cater more personalized support to clients.

• Legal Tech Innovations:With emerging technologies like blockchain and smart contracts, it is likely that there will be a legal revolution. These technologies may integrate increased transparency and reduced fraud into the process of law, helping legal aid providers and their clients to be more efficient. The Role of Advocacy and Policy Reform

  • Advocacy and policy change would be among the key issues set to receive a more significant focus in the determination of what the future of legal aid would be. Although at different point these could be on the likes of:

  • Advocate for More Funding: Advocacy will help in ensuring that more funds get disbursed to legal aid by making moves that will lobby and educate the policy-making community, legislatures, and the general public on increased support as far as proposing increases in budgets and reformation of funding.

  • • Promotion of Policy Changes: When the policies change to promote improvement and betterment in the services of legal aid, then it means proper reform has been done. This encompasses legislation advocacy, which will reduce the barriers to access and ensure access to legal aid for the people in need.

  • Napoli: Creating Public Support—raising awareness through campaigns and education—may itself eventually drive policy decisions and funding. This can be achieved by engaging the community on topics of public importance so that there can be wide-based support for any necessary reforms.


In effect, the legal aid in India becomes an important bridge between the courts of law and those too poor to afford any legal help. From the humble beginnings in British rule, through great strides forward in the post-Independent era, the system evolved to provide more structured and accessible support to the underprivileged. Despite the progress made, some major factors that always seem to reduce the effectiveness of legal aid remain funding, geography, and awareness constraints. It is thus incumbent that with increased funding, better use of technology, and improved public outreach, access to and quality of legal aid services can improve so much. If these challenges are surmounted, justice can be made a reality for all citizens of the country, reverberating in every sense that legal aid is no privileged goodie bag but is a birthright of every citizen.


Tanmay Mehra, ‘All You Need to Know about Legal Aid in India’ (Legalbites.in8 February 2023) <> accessed 11 August 2024.

Gazala Parveen, ‘All You Need to Know about How to Get Legal Aid in India – Ipleaders’ (iPleaders5 September 2019) <> accessed 11 August 2024.

in India, ‘Constitutional Provisions Relating to Free Legal Aid in India: An Analytical Study. – Legal Articles in India’ (Legal Articles in India9 April 2023) <> accessed 12 August 2024.

‘Legal Aid | Supreme Court of India | India’ ( <> accessed 13 August 2024.


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